Company history
Cefetra was founded in 1899 as the ‘Central Bureau’, supporting local united farmers in purchasing fertilizers by acting as importer.
From importer …
The ‘Central Bureau’ supported the local united farmers in purchasing fertilizers, by acting as importer. In the twenties the Bureau also started to trade and produce feed and by the end of the thirties it supplied machines and operated slaughterhouses and a breeding station.
… to the largest agricultural distributer in Holland
After the war, the Bureau started processing agricultural products. In 1972, the company merged with the Handelsraad and was named Cebeco. Cebeco was by far the largest player in agricultural trade, distribution and processing in the Netherlands.
From Cebeco to Cefetra
In 1988, Cebeco Feed Trading was established, solely dedicated to importing raw materials from outside the EU to the Dutch cooperative compound feed producers. In 2002, Cebeco Feed Trading changed its name to Cefetra and moved to ‘de Willemswerf’ in Rotterdam, where the Group is still located today. Furthermore, in order to expand into new markets in 2014 Cefetra S.p.A. (the Italian branch of Cefetra BV) was founded.